
令人满意的学业进展 (SAP) is a federal requirement that states you must meet and maintain good academic standards in order to be eligible for Federal and State aid.


  • 标准


    • 至少2.0累积绩点
    • 66.66%的累计完井率
    • No more than 99 attempted hours of college-level coursework for an Associate Degree (excluding 30 hours of remedial courses)
    • No more than 180 attempted hours of college-level coursework for Bachelor Degrees (BSN) - (excluding 30 hours of remedial courses)


    要查看澳门新葡京博彩区详细的SAP政策,请单击 在这里. To view your own 令人满意的学业进展, log in to your ace portal below.


  • 确定SAP状态

    The 澳门新葡京博彩区 will run a review of SAP status once a year 后 spring grades are posted, 通常是五月的最后一周.

    一旦进程运行, students not meeting SAP will be placed on "financial aid suspension" and will no longer qualify for financial aid. 任何未来学期的奖励将从您的帐户中删除. 如果你被暂停经济资助, 您可以选择提交上诉以重新获得资格.


    All 夏天 and future fall and spring awards are tentative based upon final evaluation of SAP. 此外,在SAP审核完成之前,夏季奖学金不会发放.



Federal regulations provide the opportunity to appeal the loss of your financial aid eligibility once you are placed on "financial aid suspension", recognizing that there may be circumstances that prevented you from meeting the minimum SAP standards.

  • 上诉

    经济援助申请通过您的ace门户网站提交 你已经见过你的注册学术顾问了. 



    通过ace提交上诉后, you must submit any documentation that will support and prove the circumstances that occurred which caused you to not maintain 令人满意的学业进展.

    You will have 7 days to submit any documentation to the financial aid office through ace or in person at your 金融援助 office. 


  • 财政援助申请提交日期 


      2024年夏天: 无上诉程序

      2024年秋季: 2024年5月1日- 6月27日

      2025年春季2024年9月9日- 11月1日

      2025年夏天: 无上诉程序


  • 处理

    The review time of a SAP appeal can take up to 7 weeks during peak processing periods. 上诉s are reviewed according to the date they are received and cannot be expedited. 


    There is no guarantee your appeal will be approved and all decisions made are final. A message will be sent to your ace financial aid portal once an approval or denial has been made. 如果获得批准,SAP上诉允许延长财务援助资格.

    被休学的学生, 或者谁的上诉被拒绝了, 可以在下一个预定的上诉期内提出新的上诉吗.



Avoid dropping classes or earning grades not considered to be passing according to the SAP policy, 遵循你的学位计划,定期与导师见面. 


If you do not attend the 澳门新葡京博彩区 during the term for which the appeal was submitted and approved, 批准将无效,您的SAP状态将恢复为暂停状态.

然而, if you do complete attendance at the 澳门新葡京博彩区 during the term for which the appeal was submitted and approved, your renewed financial aid eligibility may be extended for up to one (1) academic year of non-enrollment. 在非登记期结束时,你的 经济援助资格将恢复暂停.


Due to prior college credit hours earned before attending the 澳门新葡京博彩区, new incoming dual credit students entering fall or spring will be placed on SAP probation until the regular SAP process runs at the end of spring.






I have been out of college for a number of semesters/years, how can I be on suspension?

你的学历, 包括转到澳门新葡京博彩区的时间, 是累积的,永远不会自我重置. 一旦你违反了SAP的要求, the suspension status remains until an appeal is approved or sufficient progress is made. 转移的小时数计入最大尝试小时数.

我已被开除学籍或被批准重新开始学籍, 这样我就不会被暂停助学金了吗?

No. An approved petition or Academic Fresh Start does not impact your financial aid suspension. Only an appeal approved through the financial aid appeal committee can reinstate students. 


No. Your suspension status impacts eligibility for all federal aid, including Direct Loans. 

If I submitted my appeal before the Priority 处理 Date, does this impact the processing time?

No. The Priority 处理 Date does not apply to 经济援助申请 for Reinstatement. 

