President's Bio

President's Biography

Dr. 2017年3月1日,维罗妮卡·加西亚开始担任东北湖景学院(NLC)校长. Under her visionary leadership, NLC achieved accreditation, the ability to award federal financial aid and Veteran benefits, and the prestigious Hispanic-Serving Institution designation. Dr. 加西亚的领导也为澳门新葡京博彩区获得马尔科姆·鲍德里奇国家质质奖和实现梦想领袖学院的杰出认证做出了贡献.

NLC被公认为十大最受尊敬的学院和大学之一, Most Promising Places to Work in Community Colleges, and 50 Best Community Colleges in the U.S. With 28 years of experience, Dr. 加西亚一直表现出对教育和社区服务的奉献精神. 她丰富的课堂和课程开发背景为倡导学生的需求奠定了坚实的基础.

Dr. Garcia spearheaded the Culture of Care initiatives at NLC, which are grounded in hearing all stakeholder voices. 这些举措对NLC被指定为“最佳工作场所”做出了重大贡献.“她的努力有效地简化了学生入学服务,并协调了学术和学生事务,为学生提供了更多的支持。. 她建立两个退伍军人中心的宝贵经验为她取得重大成就铺平了道路, securing a $7.从德克萨斯州拨款700万美元,用于在国家图书馆建造一个独立的退伍军人中心, 多次获得退伍军人教育优秀表彰金奖.

In her remarkable journey, 作为东北伙伴关系的专职成员,她积极为区域经济发展做出贡献,并且是Schertz-Cibolo-Selma地区商会董事会的杰出人物. 她继续与该地区的独立学区培养有价值的关系. Dr. Garcia与九个市政当局合作,最近在新布朗费尔斯市推出了一个非现场地点,以更好地支持东北走廊的其他地区. 她的成就包括圣安东尼奥女性杂志的专题和JBSA公民领导合作伙伴荣誉指挥官的声望. She earned multiple Trusted Leader Awards from her colleagues, 强调了她对领导和诚信的坚定承诺. 

During her tenure as an educational leader, Dr.加西亚为她赢得了罗克克里克的杰出女性称号, and in 2012, 她被授予PSU/PCC退伍军人服务奖,以表彰她对退伍军人友好项目的坚定支持. 2017年,她因在Puma Pathways的杰出工作获得了天堂谷杰出领导奖. In 2019, 她还曾担任第12训练中队的荣誉指挥官, Randolph Airforce Base, demonstrating her unwavering support for the veteran's education. Notably, 市议会任命她为花园岭市调整委员会的正式成员, showcasing her dedication to public service. 她在波特兰社区学院卓越领导力与发展学院担任7班讲师,进一步致力于领导力发展.

Dr. Garcia, a highly qualified professional, holds a Ph.D. in Higher Education from Oregon State University, an M.Ed. in Leadership from Northern Arizona University, a B.S. in Business Administration from the University of Arizona, and an associate degree from Pima Community College. Her unwavering commitment to fostering a culture of care, driving student success, 建立强有力的社区伙伴关系继续对国家图书馆和更广泛的社区产生持久的影响.


Contact Information

Dr. Veronica Garcia, President
Library, NLIB 316

Northeast Lakeview College
1201 Kitty Hawk Rd.
Universal City, TX 78148