
东北湖景学院 completed the requirements for recognition at the Engagement Level by the Quality Texas Foundation (QTF) and was recognized at the recent Quality Texas Conference.

The Quality Texas Foundation assists organizations with continuous improvement efforts by utilizing the Baldrige Framework and since 1993, QTF has administered the Texas Award for 性能卓越 (TAPE) as an independent non-profit corporation. Winning TAPE symbolizes that the organization is one of the best in the state of Texas based upon a very rigorous and robust process. QTF has also had many organizations also win the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award and lead all the other states in this area. The Engagement Level is for those organizations that have made a commitment to use performance improvement principles but are new institutions or are new in their performance excellence journey.


2016年7月, NLC received Pioneer Recognition from QTF and the Engagement Level is the next step in this process and involves submitting an Organizational Profile and a 10-page report, responding to questions in six categories and supplying results.

View the full list of 2018 Quality Texas Foundation Award recipients online 在这里


东北湖景学院 empowers its students for success by offering educational programs and cultural enrichment opportunities.  The 大学 provides quality teaching, 可测量的学习, and public service that contributes to the earning of associate degrees and certificates to improve its community’s future.

Vision, Values, And Belief Statement
愿景: To be a transformative force in a culturally rich community, 教育赋予力量, to meet the dynamic demands of the future.







  1. We are inspired by changing lives through learning
  2. We develop our students by empowering them to be successful in their educational journey
  3. An NLC education is the greatest pathway to social equality and economic mobility for our community