
January 21, 2022

TaliaChristian StudentTrustee Headshot.jpgTalia Christian, one of 8 students from across the country, to participate in prestigious leadership opportunity

Northeast Lakeview College is proud to announce that student, Talia Christian, 是被选中参加(实现梦想)ATD 2022梦想学生学者计划的八名学生之一吗?该计划提供量身定制的领导力发展和社交机会. Each Scholar will present at DREAM 2022, 将他们的声音和观点传达给高等教育领导者的听众, practitioners, and advocates. 该项目的学生参与社区大学生的体验式学习机会,旨在提高领导力, critical thinking, and networking skills. 

塔利亚是一名学生领袖、倡导者,也是一名优秀的全能人士. Veronica Garcia, NLC President. “我知道她会在项目和梦想2022会议上产生积极的影响.”

“作为一个在我的教育历程中不得不克服很多困难的人, it means so much to see the fruit of my labor before me. This opportunity landed in my lap unexpectedly when Dr. Garcia recommended I apply, “ says Talia Christian, NLC student. “我认为最意想不到的机会最终往往正好适合你. I am so grateful for all the support I have from faculty, staff, and students here at Northeast Lakeview College. 我在这所社区大学的经历以最积极的方式改变了我的生活. As a DREAM Scholar, 我和全国其他7位优秀的学生一起被选中在2022梦想大会上发言. 作为一个小女孩,我一直知道我会以自己独特的方式影响我们的教育体系. 我很荣幸能在这么年轻的年纪就被选中与全国各地的教育改革者分享我的智慧和经验. 我希望我的故事能激励其他人在他们自己的社区做出改变. I look forward to the friendships, leadership development, and personal development this program will provide me. "

Christian is studying psychology on a pre-med track.  她希望能获得艺术副学士学位,并于2022年5月从东北湖景学院毕业.  她的下一步是攻读心理学学士学位,最终目标是获得精神病学博士学位. 她高度参与NLC,是校长办公室的学生大使,创始人 & President of the NLC Black Student Union, Alamo Colleges District Student Trustee Alternate, and a member of numerous student organizations and leadership groups.

Learn more about Talia and all the scholars online here

阅读完整的ATD公告和完整的项目访问细节 The Achieving the Dream website

About the DREAM Scholars:
DREAM学生学者计划是为社区大学生提供的体验式学习机会,旨在提高他们的领导能力, critical thinking, and networking skills. In addition to the scholars’ learning experience, 该项目将充满活力的学生的声音融入到实现梦想的年度梦想会议中. The program is funded by private gifts from ATD Network members, ATD employees, coaches, Board members, and partners and friends of ATD. This year, 实现梦想与梦想学者基金的捐款相匹配,该基金使用了该组织在2021年6月从慈善家麦肯齐·斯科特(MacKenzie Scott)那里收到的财务礼物.