


After being stationed in various parts of the world and the United States during their service in the U.S. 海军陆战队, Miguel Chavez and Joe Alvarado coincidentally found themselves in the same room at 帕洛阿尔托学院 in their English class.

当过海军陆战队员并不是他们唯一的共同点, 就像查韦斯和阿尔瓦拉多一样, 当时不知不觉, 发表在《澳门新葡新京官方》上, 学院的文学杂志, 在他们都从军队退役多年之后.

阿尔瓦拉多说:“能发表是我的荣幸. "I didn't think anyone would ever read anything I wrote besides my family and I figured it was one of those things where if it happens it happens, 如果不是, 那就没什么大不了的."

The student-run magazine consists of various student artwork and writing samples like poems, 短篇小说, 和论文. Two of Chavez's paintings were published in the 2019 issue and one, 标题为“勇士”,被选为年度刊物的封面. The painting depicts a bull colored in various hues of blue – a representation of all the marines Chavez had met throughout his career, 尤其是那些和他一起在伊拉克服役的人.

"When working on the piece, I just thought about my time with former Marines," said Chavez. "There was all this chaos, but they stood strong together, like the bull."

Alvarado's contribution was an essay titled "The Tejano Generation — a Changing Perspective," a four-page retrospective on his Tejano heritage and how his life experiences have been shaped by the Tejano culture.

在《澳门新葡新京官方》的出版会上, Alvarado was awarded first place in creative non-fiction for his story, and Chavez's "Warrior Actual" was recognized as being the sole artwork selected for the cover of the magazine.

Alvarado found an interest in writing after returning to school and using it as a form of therapy. He hadn't imagined he would ever be recognized for his writings, 也不知道他从教授那里得到了多少支持.

“以前,我认为写作更多的是一种工具... 作为发泄不满的渠道。”阿尔瓦拉多说道. “这对我来说是一种治疗. I never think that my work is any good, and it's not written for ambitions of grandeur. 这是为我写的."

Chavez had been painting for around a year before being published in the Eleven Rivers Review. He got into painting, and art in general, as a way to entertain himself during restless nights.

Chavez heard about the Eleven Rivers Review from multiple professors and, 像阿尔瓦拉多, 他的英语教授催他交作业, Dr. 拉斐尔·卡斯蒂略.

"Dr. Castillo has mentored me and pushed me to get published," said Alvarado. “现在, 我正在写一本关于我在军队生活的书, and I have another essay I submitted for Norton Writer's Prize called 'When Ghosts Come Home.'"

猎人贝茨, 十一河评论的顾问, said he was blown away by the quality of Chavez and Alvarado's work and how gracious, 慷慨的, and eloquent they were when presenting their work at the publication party.

"It's always been about the students and wanting to provide an outlet for them to express themselves,贝茨说。. "The satisfaction that I get from being involved is seeing students find validation in their work."

Alvarado and Chavez have been able to pay for school as a result of their service in the military with help from G.I. Bill programs, which provide educational benefits to military veterans. 在教职员工的鼓励和指导下, 他们已经能够培养一种激情,并看着它成长.

"At 帕洛阿尔托学院, these professors aren't just clocking in and clocking out. They're invested in the students; they're invested in their dreams and ideas," said Alvarado. "They understand that no matter what course you're taking, it represents something more. 它代表了一条通往学生梦想的道路."

The Office of Veteran Affairs is another encouraging resource at 帕洛阿尔托学院 committed to providing services to eligible veteran students 像阿尔瓦拉多 and Chavez. Financial assistance and information about veterans' benefits are provided to assure students are equipped with all the tools necessary to succeed.

在周六, 7月27日, 帕洛阿尔托学院 will host the 3rd Annual Veterans Education Summit to assist and provide information to military veterans and their families about federal military education programs. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 阿拉莫.edu/pac/veterans-summit.