
项目类型: 面对面的
项目级别: Pre-Majors/转移
部门: Social and Behavioral Sciences
研究所: 有创意的 & Communication Arts
大学: 程控

What is the 历史 Pre-Major?

The study of history is one of the oldest academic disciplines known, existing since the time of the Ancient Greeks. It provides students with a body of knowledge that enables them to understand better the world they live in, and to appreciate the vast range of cultural diversity that encompasses that world.

What will I learn?

Students who study history are able to think critically about events, 分析趋势, and make informed decisions based on knowledge and understanding of past events and movements. In today’s world of rapidly changing news and conflicting views of topics, the ability to think critically and to have a body of historical knowledge to draw on is becoming more and more necessary for informed decision-making. 


What can I do with this course of study?

The study of history opens up career paths in education, information management, 业务, 法律, 公共服务, 出版, and any other field that requires critical thinking skills and the ability to access and evaluate data from several interdisciplinary fields. It is a foundation field of study for dozens of existing and future professions. 

What's special about the program?

St. Philip’s 大学 offers award-winning, experienced faculty of the highest quality who offer courses in U. S. 历史, World 历史 and Civilizations, 德州历史, Mexican-American and African-American 历史, 等. 

 The only thing new in the world is the history you don’t know.

Contact Information

Allen Lee Hamilton, Ph.D.
Professor of Texas and U.S. 历史
MLK Sutton Learning Center (SLC), 219R

Alternative Department Contact:
210-486-2040 / 210-486-2314
MLK Sutton Learning Center (SLC), 219