Hospitality Management

Program Level: Degrees, Certificates
Department: Tourism, Hospitality and Culinary Arts
Institute: Business & Entrepreneurship
College: SPC

What is the Hospitality Management program?

酒店管理课程强调想要在住宿和食品行业晋升为管理团队成员的个人所需的管理技能. 特别关注经济学和会计学的背景研究,以补充餐厅和住宿业务层面的研究.

What will I learn?


What can I do with this course of study?

获得酒店管理学位的学生可以探索整个行业的职业选择.  Opportunities exist in Lodging, Restaurants, Managed Services, Airlines, Cruise Ships, Theme Parks/Attractions, Gaming, Special Events, Car Rental, Rail, and Clubs.

Some of the roles available to the well-prepared graduate include General Manager, Director of Sales and Marketing, Director of Operations, Sales Manager, and Theme Park Manager.

 The tourism industry has an estimated $19 billion impact on San Antonio's economy.

What's special about the program?

酒店管理课程为学生在圣安东尼奥和南德克萨斯州经济至关重要的游客和酒店行业的职业生涯做好准备. 该行业近年来发展迅猛,目前已成为该市的第二大产业. Approximately 8 million people visit San Antonio per year, and the tourism industry has an estimated $19 billion impact on the city's economy.

Program Accreditation, Licensure and Information

Hospitality Management Program Learning Outcomes 

  • Upon graduation, 学生将能够正确识别酒店行业的各个细分市场,并描述所有细分市场如何共同促进行业的成功 
  • 通过参加至少两次与酒店行业组织的志愿服务机会,学生将增加他们的知名度和实践网络技能 
  • 学生将在酒店物业的实践学习环境中通过各种场景展示对酒店服务技能的掌握. 学生将识别在工作中遇到的道德困境,并提供证据证明他们有能力做出合理的道德决策 

Rooms Division 

  • 学生将描述客人周期的四个阶段,以及前厅部和客房部在每个阶段的重要角色和功能 
  • 学生将识别各种预订方法,并描述具体方法对酒店收入的影响 
  • 学生将准确地描述清洁客房的步骤,并找出最容易出错的地方 

Sales and Marketing 

  • Students will identify and describe various aspects of large group meetings including; registration, room blocks, security, setting up exhibits and post-convention meetings 
  • 学生将能够解释与酒店行业相关的市场营销的4p 
  • 学生将描述内部和外部特别活动的主要组成部分,包括F&B, entertainment, rentals, and labor

Food and Beverage 

  • Students will calculate food, beverage, and labor costs and identify operation costs as fixed, variable, or semi-variable 
  • 学生将识别食品制备中的关键控制点,并为潜在有害成分制定HACCP 
  • Students will demonstrate basic food preparation skills including knife skills, cooking methods, and sauce making 
  • 学生们将在一个团队中工作,准备和提供四道菜的餐点,重点是服务的时间和流程 

Human Resources 

  • 学生将识别和解释管理酒店行业的基本法律原则 
  • 学生将描述管理的主要职能和管理者在组织成功中扮演的各种角色 
  • Students will recall appropriate interview questions and identify those prohibited by law  


  • 学生将能够分析和解释标准的行业财务报告,包括P&L and Income Statements 
  • Upon graduation, 学生将能够识别和计算关键绩效指标,包括入住率, ADR and RevPAR. 使用这些KPI,学生将分析STAR,以确定与比较集相比的性能 


  • 学生将能够描述维护团队的作用,以及它如何对操作的成功做出贡献 
  • Students will identify how technology is used in hospitality facilities 
  • 学生将认识到酒店对环境影响最大的区域,并描述如何平衡客人的需求和对环境的关注 
Program Statistics
  • Graduates 
    • 2017-2018
    • 2016-2017
  • Employment Rate 
    • 2016-2017
    • 2015-2016

Contact Information

Department Chair:
Frank Salinas, CCC, CCE, M.Ed
MLK Tourism, Hospitality and Culinary Arts (THCA) Building, 318A
Program Director:
David Uminski 
MLK Tourism, Hospitality and Culinary Arts (THCA) Building, 308